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How Our Ancient Indigenous Ancestors of Mexico Viewed and Punished Lesbianism

by La Voz de Aztlan (LaVoz [at] Aztlan.Net)
Estimada Raza de Aztlan
La Voz de Aztlan recently published an article concerning the desecration of the image of La Virgen de Guadalupe by lesbian artists. We received a significant large number of letters. The large percentage of the letters supported our editorial but there where a few letters that were full of hate.

Some of the most hate filled letters came from people that claimed to be Mexicas or Aztecas. We believe that these people are fakes and phonies. They are "agent provocateurs" that actually work for our enemies. The letters used foul language and insulted "La Virgen" even further. Some of these letters started with "F___k La Virgen de Guadalupe" and other similar phrases. They generally said that "Tonatzin" was a lie. That it was an invention by the Catholic Spaniards to convert "los indios".

Another theme in the letters was that the Mexicas of ancient times looked upon lesbianism and homosexuality favorably and that La Voz de Aztlan should not criticize this lifestyle. We would like to dispel the notion that "Los Aztecas" viewed homosexuality with kindness.

The promotion of the homosexual lifestyle is in fact being promoted by our enemies in order to destroy our culture. These enemies have infiltrated many of our organizations and groups within our culture. They accomplish this through the granting of funds and through the brainwashing of susceptible youths. Their purpose is to weaken the social fiber of "La Cultura Mexicana."

The enemy is very resourceful and very intelligent. They take their time and create "political movements" that will serve their interests. One objective is to "emasculate" La Raza. One movement that was invented by our enemies was the so called "feminist movement". The enemy empowers lesbians to lead this one particular movement. One reason we as Mexicans are winning the demographic war in Aztlan is because "white feminists" have been able to emasculate their white men. We must not let this same thing happen to many of our youths who are in their development stage. Presently, the enemy has incarcerated many of our youths who exhibit normal heterosexual behaviors, on trumped-up charges, while at the same time they have purposedly recruited many "effeminate types" as students for the USA colleges and universities. This is the primary reason they have been able to take over Chicano Studies through the Lesbian and Joto Caucuses of the National Association of Chicano and Chicana Studies (NACCS).

In order to dispel the notion by some Mexicas that the Aztecs viewed homosexuality favorably, we are presenting the irrefutable scholarly work of DR. BERNARDA REZA RAMÍREZ of the "Universidad Abierta de Mexico". Her research is in the area of "legal theory" and specially on the legal concepts of our indigenous ancestors. She describes how the various indigenous groups in Mexico viewed "lesbianism" and "homosexuality" and how they "punished" their practices. In fact she says that our ancient cultures all viewed these deviations as "anti-social acts" and had "Draconian" measures to deal with them. Below is a summary of Dr. Ramirez' work. We have highlighted the punishments meted out for "incest", "lesbianism" and "homosexuality." The punishment for "homosexuality" was particularly cruel and depended on whether the punished was 'el sujeto activo" or "el sujeto pasivo". The actual research is at:
by Justice
First anti-Semitism, now homophobia from this crackpot group called La Voz de Aztlan. This is clearly a group of thugs intent upon attacking progressive media. Such thugs are usually agents of the capitalist class.
by feight
Well, like I ask all hetero-supremacists (and that I'm now asking these "real Mexicas": an assumption that is so laughable one hardly needs to address it), what exactly is the "homosexual lifestyle" and how does one actually promote it? I guess we fags and dykes and trannies have good PR reps! Here's one of our ad campaigns..."Hey! Wanna be discriminated against in every walk of life, be labled a criminal, be labled sick, and have half of your community living with a disease that will one day kill them....well come on and join the gay community! Whoo hoo! Yeah, so you can be put to death in many countries and have to live with a lifetime of bigotry, but the parties are sure great!!"

Queers are hardly destroying any one's culture, especially the culture of La Voz de Aztlan, which consists of upper middle class North Americans so far removed from the actual lives of the real Mexicano majority. If La Voz wants to be one with the "people", they should read of the some communiques from Subcomandate Marcos, whom the majority of Mexican people consider a hero. When the enemies of the Zapatistas tried to queer-bait SM, SM was quoted as saying something to the extent of "I am the gays in San Francisco, I am the blacks in Los Angeles, I am the Indians in Chiapas, I am every oppressed minority that seeks to be liberated".

Whatever the ancient Mayan or Aztec views towards homosexuality were, they are irrelavent to how one treats gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered members of ones community TODAY! This is the 21st century, and we don't stone people to death nor sacrifice them. La Voz's anti-gay bigotry is not "real Mexica", for if it is, then that term means nothing for anti-gay hatred exists the world over. I suggest if La Voz wants to examine the roots of their cultural destruction they should look at the economic reasons so many of the youth and people leave their homeland, join gangs, become junkies, and end up in prison. If they have that courage, they might find that they too are the ones who are guilty of cultural destruction. Looking in the mirror and facing your responsiblities is so much harder than taking the chickenshit path of scapegoating. Bravo, La Poz! You're blazing down that path with a shining self-righteousness.

by Paul H. Rosenberg (rad [at]
I'm with the LA IMC's website working group & we've had a number of posts from these losers over the past several weeks. Don White, one of the lead organizers of D2K (and longtime CISPES activist), supplied some background info on them as well. They're old-fashioned Henry Ford-style anti-Semites without the smarts to update their material in any coherent manner. PO box in Whittier, where Nixon went to college. As I've said elsewhere, maybe it's the water.
by Justice
San Francisco and Los Angeles Independent Media seem to be the two sites receiving most of the La Voz de Aztlan (LVA) fascist trash. Their threats of murder of lesbians (as discovered by one person on the LA site) and their anti-Semitism make them the same as the Ku Klux Klan and all other fascist groups. As to the free speech argument, the First Amendment states that Congress shall not prohibit free speech. Congress is not restricting free speech on these Independent Media sites. Thus, we need to address the application. As to the application, no one has a right to "falsely yell fire in a crowded theater" or to promote murder. LVA and the KKK promote murder. Thus, there is no reason to tolerate these postings which are most certainly the work of agents provocateurs, most likely of the CIA. Independent Media needs to take a good look at their policy on this issue because it is going to get worse as the economic crisis worsens. If it is unacceptable for the Klan to post on Independent Media, then it is unacceptable for the LVA (whoever these fascist thugs really are) or any other murder-promoting group to post their fascist hate-mongering on Independent Media. There is no reason why we should tolerate hate speech and murder-promoting speech on Independent Media. They have their own websites for that garbage. Just as we do not accept fascist trash in any progressive publication, we should not accept fascist trash on Independent Media. In rejecting these fascist thugs, the lives we save will be our own.

La Voz de Aztlan is secretly getting funding
from the CIA and
white supremacists to destabilize the Chicano
Movement. It is nothing new, they have used
other punk
nationalist groupings to destroy legitimate
liberation movements.
They used the United Slaves and Blackstone
Rangers to destroy the
Black Panthers. After they were gone , power
went to
reformists like Jesse Jackson and
reactionaries like the Nation
of Islam (interesting they both have "nation" in
their name, for
they want to be the dictators of the Chicano
reservation that
will be established after the white Right-Wing
takes power.) They reference the Protocols of
the Elders of Zion and other right-wing trash,along with their blatant anti-gay diatribes,
further showing their right-wing financing.
Struggle against all reactionaries. Long live the
Peoples War.

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