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Indybay Feature

The Carcass

by Shakespeare
First century Greek historian.Observed that Jews treated other people as enemies and inferiors.
The carcass of the camel and the jackal’s lust is a strong symbol for the jewish usury.

Since the Greek time they were labeled as usurers: this lust is their downfall that makes most of the nations hate them.

"Usury" is the practice of lending money at excessive interest rates. This has for centuries caused great misery and poverty for People. It has brought strong condemnation of the Jews!

15th century Italian priest. A mild man who extolled patience and charity in normal circumstances, he described himself as a "barking dog" when dealing with Jews:

"Jewish usurers bleed the poor to death and grow fat on their substance, and I who live on alms, who feed on the bread of the poor, shall I then be mute before outraged charity? Dogs bark to protect those who feed them, and shall I see them robbed of what belongs to them and keep silent?" (E. Flornoy, Le Bienbeureux Bernardin the Feltre)

The jewish garbage infesting Palestine stink like maggots they are as they fest on the
Palestinian lands

Jews are garbage back stabbing scum jews make trouble wherever the go
Because they are thieving bastards
Jews are garbage that have contributed nothing to this planet but problems
With their plotting and scamming behavior trying to take advantage of anyone around them
With money changing scams around the world
Jews are basically parasites that feed off of U.S. taxpayers and anyone else that they could get their claws into like the Palestinians who’s land they stole
by ...
to hear Mr T, Rene, Nessie and all those other facist-appologists claim this message was by a zionist....
it's predictable- they always fall back on scapegoating zionists when faced with hatred against jews
by rene

by ... • comments that "to hear Mr T, Rene, Nessie and all those other facist-appologists claim this message was by a zionist....
it's predictable- they always fall back on scapegoating zionists when faced with hatred against jews"

What a thread! First we get a sick Shakespearean racist-- then we get a sick zionist defender. Free speech on IMC has room for all sorry types. It seems???

Free Palestine

by X2
twisted racists agenda obvious here. Get both sides fighting, create war, death and destruction. Free Palestine. Free Jews from Zionist collaborators. End all oppression and terror in Israel against everyone!
by .....
Rene, get help, your posts sound like you are spitting up blood. You should start a dating service that hooks up crazed terrorist groupies like yourself with Muslim terrorists. That would keep you both busy and happy- something that seems a problem with you
by X2
great idea. let's free Muslims from fascism. We will start by putting a restraining order on US involvement in Middle Eastern affairs. This will effectively topple all of the CIA-sponsored puppet dictators in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and elsewhere. Then we will turn our attention to Israel and create a nonracial secular state where persons of all races are treated equally and property rights to land are respected.
by Average Joe
Those nations have always been dictatorships.In the chess game of international politics the CIA has no choice but to work with them.The arab press is very anti-USA and is goverment controled.Those nations also support groups like the Hamas and Hezballah.
Hey,in my humble opinion,lets get oil some were else.That would solve alot of problems.
by X2
Actually, the CIA *created* most of those governments and targets pro-democracy groups in the middle east quite regularly.
by prince
you be honest. i go away. you continue hiding your control here. i stay. you decide.
by X2
Funny, prince, tom, dan, alex, whatever the fuck new nick you are using now, that you can think of nothing more original than accusing us (that's right - plural) of what we have already caught you doing.
by prince
select one name and go with it
by X2
let me get this straight, prince, alex, eric, dan, tom - you want everyone else to all use the name Nessie when posting, while you use dozens? Well, I suppose what you could do is go to an Indy meeting and make that a proposal and try to get consensus reached on it. There is a process for effecting change at IMC other than your vapid little tactics.
by tom
one nessie, one name.
x2, you should also use whichever name ness chooses hon because as he makes the decision to be honest, i have the feeling it will dawn on you as well.
by Eric
You can keep me out of your little war with Tom/Prince/Alex/whomever. I am me. One man - one name. If you want to address me, then address me. Don't assume because I happen to agree with Tom that we are one and the same.
by Che
posting reactionary diatibes on this site, unfortunately. What's up you fucking cracker? Still making time from dowloading porn at work to post to the site, I see. What a life.
by Eric
Yep, I'm still making time to bitch slap spoiled little rich brats from the valley. Ain't much else as fun as that.

How about yourself? What's been up? You still whinin' 'bout how unfair capitalism is to all your liberal/socialist college chums? Haven't seen you around indybay much lately. Your mom must have caught you jerkin' off to again and grounded you from the computer.
by ONE state PALESTINE !!!


the OCCUPING LIEING jew-BAG THIEVES need to get the hell out of PALESTINE !!
THE AND THE SLIMNY STINKING ASS-TURD jew-tala-muds can move THEIR stinking asses to antartica or HELL where they belong THOSE FUKING BASTARD ASS THIEVIING LOUSY JEWS BELONG

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