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Indybay Feature

SF Event: Protest Coming War (Sun)

by Not in Our Name
Details: Sunday, October 6, 2002, 2PM // Union Square // Protest The Coming War

California - San Francisco

"Not in Our Name Mass Convergence"
Sunday, October 6, 2002, 2PM
Union Square

Many different organizations will be coming from around the greater Bay Area to converge on Union Square to say “Not in Our Name!” to a war without limits. As groups make their way to the convergence from points north, east and south, they will be distributing materials, parading puppets, and flying banners.

Oct. 6th - Be There! Page Ad in the SF Bay Guardian, Oct 2-8.
Includes speakers, performers, pre-convergence regional gathering places, and ad co-sponsors.

There will be many protests across the nation, organized by Not In Our Name.  To learn about the other ones, see their website:

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by Werner Hertz (justiceh [at]
Without a fillibuster the Senate and House will overwhelmingly support the war.
Please Email or phone both Senators to organize a fillibuster with other senators to PREVENT a PRO WAR vote. EMail: senator@boxer &
senator [at] The free capitol hill switchboard no is 1 800 839-5276.
It would also help to urge UN SECRETARY GENERAL
Kofi Annan to follow the example of Nelson Mandela and strongly denounce Bush's war as well as lobby France, Russia and China to refuse to accept the U.S. 30 pieces of silver. I know he would put his job in jepardy but it sure is worth it to gain the love and respect of most of our worlds population. EMAIL :
Inquiries [at]

If any one knows any of Sundays speakers please ask them to announce this from the microphone. God bless you.
by Spider Dude
A march against reppresion?By supporting Iraq?Thats what you are doing.You are also supporting Islamic fundamentalist terrorism and violance by marching for "peace".Look at the wonderful way they treat women,and you stand for human rights?In October you people supported the Taliban in the war against them.Stalin had a word for western pacifists during the early years of the cold war,he called them "usefull idiots."Now there is a major denail about the sucess in that region.You refuse to belive that Afganistan has hope becouse America steped in and hepled removed the Taliban.
Yes there were 3,000 civillian deaths which is unfortunate,but Afgans are happy that the Taliban has been removed and accept it as war,they were not intentional.The Taliban has caused many more times over,and that was intentional.
Now Bush wants to end the worst Arab regime in modern history that has caused misery and death to Iraq in 20 years.Do you want this monster with nukes?You stand for "human rights" for keeping this monster in power?No,it can't be done peacefuly,it has to be done by force.That is the only language sociopaths like Saddam understands.
So go ahead,have your little party,and support regimes like Iraq.
Free Iraq
by Spider Dude
A march against reppresion?By supporting Iraq?Thats what you are doing.You are also supporting Islamic fundamentalist terrorism and violance by marching for "peace".Look at the wonderful way they treat women,and you stand for human rights?In October you people supported the Taliban in the war against them.Stalin had a word for western pacifists during the early years of the cold war,he called them "usefull idiots."Now there is a major denail about the sucess in that region.You refuse to belive that Afganistan has hope becouse America steped in and hepled removed the Taliban.
Yes there were 3,000 civillian deaths which is unfortunate,but Afgans are happy that the Taliban has been removed and accept it as war,they were not intentional.The Taliban has caused many more times over,and that was intentional.
Now Bush wants to end the worst Arab regime in modern history that has caused misery and death to Iraq in 20 years.Do you want this monster with nukes?You stand for "human rights" for keeping this monster in power?No,it can't be done peacefuly,it has to be done by force.That is the only language sociopaths like Saddam understands.
So go ahead,have your little party,and support regimes like Iraq.
Free Iraq
by Bobbie (aijahlon12 [at]
America has weapons of greater mass destruction than any other country on earth, and are liable to use them on other people before they will use them on us. Why can we have weapon of "defense" and other countries not have them....just because they're in the Middle East where all the oil is... and are labeled "terriorists" by the Bushes?
by Bobbie (aijahlon12 [at]
America has weapons of greater mass destruction than any other country on earth, and are liable to use them on other people before they will use them on us. Why can we have weapon of "defense" and other countries not have them....just because they're in the Middle East where all the oil is... and are labeled "terriorists" by the Bushes?
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