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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

Tens Of Thousands Gather in San Franciscos Union Square To Demand No War In Iraq

by Z
Tens of thousands gathered in San Francisco on October 6th 2002 to demand no war against Iraq. The rally was the bigest antiwar rally in recent memory and at times the crowd not only filled all of Union Sqaure but also spilled into the streets.
The main organizer of the rally was a group called Not In Our Name (NION) which also organized other rallies around the US today. The largest was in Central Park in New York City (see

Here is the Not In Our Name Pledge of Resistance:

We believe that as people living
in the United States it is our
responsibility to resist the injustices
done by our government,
in our names

Not in our name
will you wage endless war
there can be no more deaths
no more transfusions
of blood for oil

Not in our name
will you invade countries
bomb civilians, kill more children
letting history take its course
over the graves of the nameless

Not in our name
will you erode the very freedoms
you have claimed to fight for

Not by our hands
will we supply weapons and funding
for the annihilation of families
on foreign soil

Not by our mouths
will we let fear silence us

Not by our hearts
will we allow whole peoples
or countries to be deemed evil

Not by our will
and Not in our name

We pledge resistance

We pledge alliance with those
who have come under attack
for voicing opposition to the war
or for their religion or ethnicity

We pledge to make common cause
with the people of the world
to bring about justice,
freedom and peace

Another world is possible
and we pledge to make it real.
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The Rally
by Z
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by thanks for the photos
Thank you for posting so many fine photos, I'm glad
that someone is providing the world with a record of
all the creativity and wonderful people that went into
today's massive rally.
by asdfasd
Here Is a Pic From The Protest Today In LA
by gafsdf
Here is a pic from the protest today in NYC. With this many people and no major US troop movements yet. I really think we can stop this war.
by anon
There was not more than one ten of thousand. Probably around 5000, maybe a bit more, but as many as 20,000? No way.

What was interesting was the wide variety of signs, which is shown here - a consequence of a truly diverse crowd.
by bov
I think the Chron said 8000
by .
Once again, why inaccutrately portray how many were actually there unless you have an agenda to make people think it has more support than it does? By grossly exagerating something so easily disputed as the amount of people, it makes one doubt whether or not anything else reported was accurate.
by number's guy
The thing that needs to be taken into consideration is that the protest went on for hours.
Union Square was packed for hours, while people came and went.
by euclid
kfog morning show reported "700" and segued into the latest from obl on al-Jazeera ---- clearly there were thousands of people there (but not tens of thousands -- they simply couldn't have fit in the square).
by Ffutal
If you don't think anti-Semitism is a big part of the "antiwar" and anti-Israel movements, maybe you should try attending a "peace" demonstration. The New York Sun reports that a protest in Central Park last week, sponsored by a far-left outfit called Not in Our Name, "was riddled with anti-Israel and anti-American sentiment, and in some cases classical anti-Semitism." Here are some quotes:

- "Bush is more Israeli than the Israelis themselves. He is a puppet of the Zionists [who] control the media, the government and the economy. The Jews' book--the Protocols of the Elders of Zion--explains how they control the world and how they make people fight against each other. The American government is controlled by corporations and the corporations are controlled by Zionism."--Ayman Asawa, a self-described "peace activist"

- "Israel is creating a holocaust of its own. I sympathize with [the plight of Jews in] the World War II Holocaust, but that doesn't give Israel the right to make their own of the Palestinian people. There are powerful Jewish people in the nation--wealthy lawyers and bankers. They control a lot of the money and Bush doesn't want them to be upset."--15-year-old Nester Bailly of Manhattan

- "Bush has to deal with the Israeli lobby. These corporations and business interests in the U.S. influence Bush. . . . They try to persuade Bush to totally push the Palestinian people out of Israel. They have lots of money and have more or less bought out Bush."--Todd Wilkerson of Queens

- "I know a lot of Palestinians, and I've hung around with too many Jews. I'm not anti-Semitic, just anti-Israel."--Pete Rupert
by this thing here
... it's one of the oldest games in the book, guilt by association.

what are you saying? that any and all criticism of israel in regards to its occupation of palestine is anti-semetic?

is it the fault of those who protest israel that their movement has been appropriated and co-opted by very real anti-semetic people? or is it the fault of the neo-nazi bastards, or arabs who really do hate jews for being jews? or any asshole looking for an excuse to hate the jewish people?

i'll say it right now. if you hate jews for ANY reason, Fuck Off And Die. you're nothing. you have nothing to say at all. get the fuck off this website, and get the fuck out of the protests.

however, if you believe there is no justification for the israeli occupation of palestine, more power to you. if you believe that divestment or the threat of divesting is a way to exert pressure on israel, more power to you. if you support a free palestine, more power to you. these things have everything to do with the state of israel and the policies of its government. they have everything to do with the relationship between america and israel. they are not attacks on jewish people or judaism.

unfortunately, this attempt to cast all who criticize israel as anti-semetic, this attempt to use guilt by association to destroy arguments, cheapens and dilutes the real threat of anti-semetism. if anti-semetism is applied to the wrong people, it's that much harder to apply it to the right people. and believe me, the opportunistic neo-nazi bastards would love this. but most importantly, it confuses the debate about the central question: WHO WILL LIVE AND PROSPER ON THAT LAND.

by isis armendariz
It was truly a powerful experience to be standing amongst a crowd of beautiful, intelligent, and united people that think just like me. The intensity of the sun seemed to represent the intensity and energy of the crowd on Union Square.
"is it the fault of those who protest israel that their movement has been appropriated and co-opted by very real anti-semetic people? or is it the fault of the neo-nazi bastards, or arabs who really do hate jews for being jews? or any asshole looking for an excuse to hate the jewish people?"

Birds of a feather.........
by this thing here
... i know you'd love that to be the case wouldn't you? all the same in your eyes. oh how convenient. so when you see a neo-nazi, be sure to thank him.
by bugs (ireqhi [at]
Estimating numbers is tough . . .

But I would say that the April 20th rally was much bigger than this one. April 20th was pegged at around 20,000. I'd say 8-10,000 is a fair estimate for yesterday.

What I find really amazing is how many cities and towns held their own protests! 27 so far, just from the ones who have posted to indymedia. That means every one of those cities has a group of folks who are dedicating to organizing against the war, and whose organizing is far enough along to hold a sizeable rally. To me that shows that this is truly a grassroots movement in which people all over are beginning to particiapte, educate and organize.
by leaf
from what I heard, but who's counting?
by adam
although i am totally opposed to the war, i have to say that i'm bothered by the use of swastikas as symbols in anti-war and and middle east related demonstrations. the situation we are facing is bad enough without reducing it to simplistic slogans that alienate a signifant number of 'mainstream' americans who are a far cry from nazi sympathizers. a neocolonial extension of power, which at this point appears to be what we're facing, is not the holocaust, just as it is not the japanese invasion of china during WWII, or the reign of chairman mao, during which millions of people also suffered and died. drawing on familiar, simplistic and potentially false analogies is just as dangerous to our movement as is either bush's comparison of hussein to hitler. they are both dehumanizing, and considering our goals and the task at hand, we need to be more thoughtful and innovative than that.
by bugs (ireqhi [at]
Two points:

First, anti-Zionism or anti-Israel sentiment DOES NOT EQUAL anti-Semitism. Huge numbers of Jewish Israelis and other Jews are against Israel's policies; from what I've heard, the anti-occupation movement is much stronger in Israel than here. Many Israels have taken courageous stands against the occupation, such as the refusniks in the Israeli military who will not serve in the occupied territories. Are all those Jews anti-Semitic? For that matter, do those of us who oppose Bush or oppose U.S. policy hate all Americans? If we cannot draw a distinction between governments and people, we are lost.

Nevertheless, real anti-Semitism still exists and is as wrong and dangerous as any other form of oppression. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE for keeping anti-Semitism out of our arguments, our rhetoric, our symbols, and, where possible, our rallies and protests. If people insist on coming to our rallies with anti-Semitic messages, we can't stop them (there's this little thing called freedom of speech), but we can and must denounce them in the strongest possible terms.

Of course, the same goes for anti-Muslim sentiment, or prejudice of any stripe. And yes, at one 'activist' event or another I've seen, not just anti-Semitism, but racism, anti-immigrant bias, sexism, heterosexism, classism, ableism, and agism in forms subtle or overt. We're not perfect; we are products of a system that instills this type of thinking. But we've got to keep fighting against it.

by khan
Bugs, pardon my ignorance.... But what is "ableism"?
by Bugs (ireqhi [at]
Ableism = discriminating against people with disabilities. For example, not checking to see if the room you're holding an event in is wheelchair-accessible. There might be a better word for that, but I don't know what...
by J Gasser
Three things:

First- the Cron's small article about the protest was degrading; not only were the numbers skewed, but it also felt as if the article and the pictures portrayed a one-type crowd. As we all know, people of all nations, colors, beliefs, genders, and sexualities were represented there, and the Cron merely showed a feminist audience, with a woman holding up a sign, and another with an all-female audience. The article and pictures did not show the larger meaning surrounding yesterday's event, which was the fact that 10,000 or so Californians protested against the war and were wanted all to see this in the heart of the city.

Second- the feeling of being around all those people was extremely empowering, and it was good to feel that we are part of a group silenced, yet very against, the war in Iraq. I even felt myself misty-eyed several times, knowing that what I was doing, and what I was protesting against, mattered and others felt the same way.

Third- the protest gave rise to the feeling that we need to do more. A protest can only do so much, and the rest is dependent on our action. In this time, it is very frightening to speak out, for you never know what may happen. We have to take into consideration that the silencing is keeping many from truly speaking out, which is completely against the foundations that this country started out on. In order to overcome this, we need to continue the anti-war effort, make some noise, and be really heard.

I hope to see all of those there yesterday at the next protests.

by Aruri, Natasha T (nataruri [at]
i only have 4 words: you people are great!
great efforts, and sure will be appreciated here in Palestine... your support means a lot to us and help us through the crisis.
LOVE from Palestine
by Natalia Tayseer Aruri
the people running with "you anti-semetic bastard" accusations allow me to tell you something: "semetic" referes to the people of the region now known as Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Israel (Palestine). so basically, attacking Palestinians and condemning their cause and struggle for human rights and freedom is an "anti-sematic" act.
will you bother learn history before repeating the words of zionist propaganda?
by bill
That is just uncalled for. Degregation of the flag is anti-american. I dont think any of us should be anti-american at all. This is what makes this country great. That 10,000 people can organize and march peacefully for something they believe in.
by nit picker
No it doesn't. It refers to a language group.*


1. Of or relating to the Semites or their languages or cultures.
2. Of, relating to, or constituting a subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic language group that includes Arabic, Hebrew, Amharic, and Aramaic.


1. The Semitic languages.
2. Any one of the Semitic languages.

by Critic
Why, Mr. President, that's the most articulate speech you've made in a long time
by Bah
Actually, the term anti-Semitism was coined in the late 19th century by some German bigot whose name I cannot recall to "scientifically" name the irrational hatred of Jews. It does not refer to Semites like Arabs, it was coined to refer ONLY to European Jews. Nice try, Ms. Palestine, but I can't imagine anyone falling for that. Or how about the "Palestinians are the only people under occupation" lie? I'm sure real "peoples" like the Tibetans, Kurds, and American Indians really appreciate that. Then again, when was the last time Tibetans blew up a bus full of kids?
by A.S. (sabbagh1 [at]
by D. Nickelsen (debra.nickelsen)
So how does it feel to have egg on your face? It is a good thing our government DID NOT listen to you shameful "Americans". Don't get me wrong I have never been pro war, but come on people give me a break here. Look at the torture and terror this regime used on it's own people. The poverty and fear these people lived is just unspeakable!! You would have to be deaf, dumb and blind to not see that these people needed relief. I believed what my President told me before we had all the pictures to prove it. I saw a man with very strong convictions and thankfully very determined. I am ashamed of the U. N. for not enforcing it's resolutions all these years. You know they were made for a very good reason. Our President and Brittain's Prime Minister did everything the correct and appropriate way. Even though they didn't have to, they still went to the U. N. and had but 1 MORE resolution made.( Mainly because the first 17 did not seem to matter much to anyone but them) I am proud that our President and the Prime Minister had the courage, brains and strength to do the right thing and I will never see it any other way! If ever use of force was needed, this was the time. Our people in power, all of our armed forces, and intelligence people are nothing less than TRUE HEROS and their plan was nothing short of pure genius. I have never been prouder to be an American and say SHAME on all of YOU ALL for not taking the time to see the big picture. Are you really Saddam supporters? Did you want this insane dictator to really have MORE power?? You know Hitler had alot of time too, just think if no one would have listened to W. Churchhill. (He had people against his ideas too)We could all be speaking German right now. Speaking of Germany, maybe you should all pack up and go to Germany or France, you could be much happier in those countries who have all but forgotten what our country has done for them. That is what happens when you forget and take your liberties and freedom for granted. Targeting countries and evil dictators is the only way that we will STOP TERRORISM, but I suppose you all would have to wait until maybe we were invaded first in order to condone a war. Then you would probably all be sitting back complaining that our leaders have done nothing to keep us safe. It is obvious that you did NOT do your homework and just went out and protested. Here's my advice: Next time maybe you should look at all the facts, pay attention, and have an open mind before you put all of your efforts into something you know little about obviously. Then maybe the 10 of thousands of you could put your efforts into something a little more productive!!!! You know there are still alot of problems in our country, how about looking into putting your efforts together to help make this an even greater country instead of running it in the ground and divided yourselves from the rest of us. You know the phrase: "United We Stand" is not just a phrase by the way. I thank the Lord everyday for such a great country, for great and strong leaders, for brave and unwavering soldiers and for their families who have given their pride and joy and some even the ultimate sacrifice so that others could have the basic elements of a halfway decent life. It is a very selfish act to not want these people to enjoy the things that you take for granted and yet still allows you to go out and speak freely, wave your banners and even burn your own flag if you want. I can guarentee our soldiers understand why they are there and undoubtedly will feel the pride of a job well done. God Bless Our Troops, Our Leaders and Our Great Country!!! Most of all, may he bless you with the sight to see a better and more peaceful world beyond your own little one.
by J. D. Shepler (jdsheple [at]
It really amazes me that you would take pictures of some one holding a sign stating "$100 billion dollars for war will wreck the Economy". I am laughing so hard right now, I thought this site was against war not for it. After seeing this picture I thought to myself, wow they need to wake up and think about what they are posting. I would hate to be the women in the picture holding the sign because she is looking really stupid right now. I imagine you all just think I am rambling on, but I am not there is actually a point to this. I just have to stop laughing first. After seeing this picture I began to wonder about the creditability of the rest. This picture depicts that a $100 billion war will hurt or as they put it "Wreck" the economy. It doesn't take a rocket scientist or a brain surgeon to figure this out. Really think about it for two seconds, $100 billion hmm wonder where all that money could be going??? I know what the first impulse is; ITS GOING FOR WAR! Do you actually think it costs that much money to fly aircraft across an ocean? or to send our troops over there? when a civilian can do it for a little under a thousand dollars round trip and sometimes that includes a hotel fee for a week. I know it must be going to pay the troops.... um hello we have to pay them anyway, wether they are at war or not! So where could all that money be going???? Hmm, could it possibly be going to American Manufactures to make stuff for the war??? Oh, never thought of that? In all actuality War is the best thing for an Economy, it won't "Wreck" it as she so eliquently wrote upon her sign, instead it will boost the economy. I think if I was the host of this website I would remove that photo, because it totally negates everything you are trying to promote on this site. Which instead of making it a serious site it makes it a funny site. Thanks for the laugh!
by J. D. Shepler (jdsheple [at]
It really amazes me that you would take pictures of some one holding a sign stating "$100 billion dollars for war will wreck the Economy". I am laughing so hard right now, I thought this site was against war not for it. After seeing this picture I thought to myself, wow they need to wake up and think about what they are posting. I would hate to be the women in the picture holding the sign because she is looking really stupid right now. I imagine you all just think I am rambling on, but I am not there is actually a point to this. I just have to stop laughing first. After seeing this picture I began to wonder about the creditability of the rest. This picture depicts that a $100 billion war will hurt or as they put it "Wreck" the economy. It doesn't take a rocket scientist or a brain surgeon to figure this out. Really think about it for two seconds, $100 billion hmm wonder where all that money could be going??? I know what the first impulse is; ITS GOING FOR WAR! Do you actually think it costs that much money to fly aircraft across an ocean? or to send our troops over there? when a civilian can do it for a little under a thousand dollars round trip and sometimes that includes a hotel fee for a week. I know it must be going to pay the troops.... um hello we have to pay them anyway, wether they are at war or not! So where could all that money be going???? Hmm, could it possibly be going to American Manufactures to make stuff for the war??? Oh, never thought of that? In all actuality War is the best thing for an Economy, it won't "Wreck" it as she so eliquently wrote upon her sign, instead it will boost the economy. I think if I was the host of this website I would remove that photo, because it totally negates everything you are trying to promote on this site. Which instead of making it a serious site it makes it a funny site. Thanks for the laugh!
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