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Indybay Feature

9/23/02 Freshwater Action (4/4)

by Stan Rudden (258821 [at]
Video footage of the direct action against illegal PL logging operations in Freshwater, CA. September 23, 2002. Part 4 of 4. 9 minutes.
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by biggistguy
At the end of this download, Ms. Hill comments that Front Line Direct Action is the spot light that shines to show that all else has failed. She says that the corperations have failed them, the goverment (courts; civil and criminal, wildlife agencies; Fed. and state, CDF) has failed them and the consumers have failed them.
Damn, is any one left except for a small group of extremist who insist that they are right, and everyone else is wrong or bought out?
She states the communitys have a right to a healthy enviroment. Perhaps the community (except for the small group of extremists living in it) feels that they are being looked after. What if they think they don't need you. Perhaps it hasn't failed. Perhaps your wrong.
We don't need you to look after us.
by Rio
There are many people who support the citizens who do direct action. Are you so weak that you need someone else to look after you? This is supposed to be a democracy, not a dictatorship. We tell the politicians what to do, we are the constituency. In case you have forgotten, the corporations invest much money into politicians and dicatate the interests of these people who are supposed to be representing us. If these people are not representing us it is our duty to represent ourselves. This country was founded on revolution, yet many of the citizens have become comfortably apathetic. Like a bunch of sheep.
by Rio
There are many people who support the citizens who do direct action. Are you so weak that you need someone else to look after you? This is supposed to be a democracy, not a dictatorship. We tell the politicians what to do, we are the constituency. In case you have forgotten, the corporations invest much money into politicians and dicatate the interests of these people who are supposed to be representing us. If these people are not representing us it is our duty to represent ourselves. This country was founded on revolution, yet many of the citizens have become comfortably apathetic. Like a bunch of sheep.
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