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Indybay Feature

car war billboard

by Jeremy Faludi (car_war_billboard [at]
anti-war pro-environment billboard trying to raise long-term awareness.
This billboard was designed as a statement both against the war and to encourage environmental sustainability and long-term U.S. energy independence.

Important notes:

The sign is a standard "30-sheet" billboard size and format, measuring roughly 25 feet by 12 feet. It is printed on white vinyl for reusability, with both "pockets" and grommets for mounting on most 30-sheet locations. I am trying to raise funds to get it mounted on an actual billboard where drivers will see it. Please email to donate.

Auxiliary notes:

This is not an anti-SUV ad (although I heartily support those.) I made it about driving less rather than better fuel economy because reducing driving solves a lot more problems than just driving with better fuel efficiency. This is not meant to slag the people of the middle-east. If we were invading Canada to secure control of North American oil, I would've calculated how much less to drive to stop importing Canadian oil. The "7" number is calculated from Federal Highway Administration and US federal budget numbers. I am not a statistician, and am not 100% certain the numbers I used had the correct assumptions built into them, but if it is off, it is by a factor of two, not a factor of five or ten. The number can also change any time based on US import policies.
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