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Indybay Feature

Office of Citizen Complaints

by Bill Everett (billnace [at]
Those arrested while legally protesting and those arrested improperly should file reports with the Office of Citizen Complaints.
I was arrested during Friday night's march from Powell Street. I was charged with failure to disperse and blocking traffic (while standing on a sidewalk!?!?) I filed a complaint with the Office of Citizen Complaints. For those who don't know, this is an independant acency charged with investigating police misconduct.
I strongly advise that anyone else present at this illegal mass arrest (I became a political prisoner at Hayes and Market) to go in and file reports. I understand that Deputy Chief Rich Bruce was on the scene and was the one who gave the order to arrest an entire city block full of people. I feel action should be taken against him, for violating our First Amendment Rights.
But to do this, I need the help of others who were present. In my case, I need proof that I did nothing illegal (Unlike the criminal charges, the burden of proof is on me). I am caucasion, 5'11", 200 lbs. I was wearing a brown leather jacket, and a very distinctive red and white checkered scarf. If anyone has pictures or video of me on the sidewalk while the street was being blocked, please e-mail me at Billnace [at], or submit them to Jayson Wechter at the OCC.
In fact, if anyone has video of the entire incident, please submit it. The fact is that no order to disperse was given, and no chance to disperse was given, so everyone arrested on Hayes that night was illegally detained. I don't care if my case is proven, but if enough people file complaints and submit pictures, and if anyone not arrested submits testimony as eyewitnesses, the OCC should have the evidence in at least one case showing misconcuct.
I also encourage anyone who has pictures of other cases of illegal mass arrests (I know this was far from the only incident) or pictures of police brutality to submit them to the OCC. Our rights were taken away. Now we should use the system to fight back! Write to the following adress, call, or (preferably) walk in and talk to an investigator:

Office of Citizen Complaints
480 Second St. Suite 100
San Francisco, CA 94107
(415) 597-7711

Thank you, and please do not let everything that happened last week discourage you from practicing your first amendment rights to legal free speech and protest.

-Bill Everett
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