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Indybay Feature

Major SF Election Fraud Crisis Must Be Featured

by Yup
We have a major election fraud crisis in San Francisco, with a major press conference this week, and all we get on this website is reprints from the capitalist press and excerpts of the Elections Code, all relevant but not sufficient.
We have a major election fraud crisis in San Francisco, with a major press conference this week, and all we get on this website is reprints from the capitalist press and excerpts of the Elections Code, all relevant but not sufficient.

Election Fraud is fascism and cannot be tolerated . An election-fraud team is a strike-breaking team and a gentrification nightmare.

We can thank Ken McCarthy for his excellent website documenting the election fraud of Willie Brown, the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, and all other supporters of the 49er Stadium Swindle, in the 49er Stadium Swindle election of June 3, 1997 at
and of the Democratic Party in in the 1970s, using the CIA front that was formed to smash the black liberation movements that existed in the Bay Area, the People's Temple, at

This week, a People of Color Caucus had a major press conference, complete with a map with pins designating election fraud committed at the pinpointed locations, yet we do not see this map in the center feature column of We had a wide variety of descriptions of the election fraud, including the actions of the private profit street cleaning outfit, SLUG, which had a contract with the Dept of Public Works, whose poor workers were pressured to vote for Nazi Newsom, a good Democrat, candidate supported by organized crime election frauder Willie Brown, his predecessor who sat in his second term of office with 40% of the vote plus election fraud, and staunchly pro-landlord, although they preferred the Green Party member and pro-tenant supervisor, Matt Gonzalez. They were given absentee ballots, which is illegal in and of itself. Absentee ballots are mailed to one's home. After being pressured by the Newsom campaign to vote for Newsom, they had their ballot verification stubs taken from them, also illegal. Where are these stubs? They were also driven to the campaign office of the other whore of Willie Brown, candidate for district attorney, Kamala Harris. Harris has now supposedly joined the "investigation" claiming no conflict of interest. The Democrat Kevin Shelly, Secretary of State and former San Francisco assemblyperson, is also claiming to investigate the SF election fraud, although given his obvious conflict of interest as he was a supporter of Newsom, as were all the other leaders of his rotten party in conjunction with its twin, the Republican Party, his investigation and the investigation by Democrat D.A. Kamala Harris and Democrat city attorney Dennis Herrera are all by definition a cover-up and gross conflict of interest.

We have also heard about provisional ballots being offered to people by Newsom supporters who knocked on their door. Provisional ballots are given at polls if one claims to be registered but one's name cannot be located on the list.

There is now more than enough evidence to indict SLUG owners and managers and the Newsom campaign coordinators who terrorized people in Bayview Hunters Point inside the Gonzalez campaign and voters at the polls. Bayview Hunters Point is about 50% African-American and is primarily a homeowners' community. It is does not have many voters but like most African-American communities, usually votes as a bloc, and a bloc is by definition a swing vote.

This City is famous for all kinds of picketlines and marches, which are certainly necessary and worthwhile. When are we going to see a march on the SF Elections Department, a sit-in at the SF Elections Department? Just one day of an action like that would expedite:
(1) Cleanup of the voter rolls which are filled with at least 150,000 dead or moved voters, which the Gonzalez campaign stated at the above press conference were proven, to some extent, to have voted in the December 9, 2003 mayor's race.

(2) Termination of the City's contracts with SLUG and any relaitonship with Walden House, TURF, the thugs at the Housing Authority, A. Phillip Randolph Institute, Nation of Islam, Glide Church, led by Cecil Williams, and Third Baptist Church, led by Amos Brown, all of which are part of the Democrat-Republican Party's election fraud team.

(3) Force indictments of the SLUG thugs who terrorized their workers to vote for Newsom;

(4) Force either the Gonzalez campaign, the City of San Francisco, the State of California or the federal government to file a lawsuit to have the mayoral election results overturned, tossing Newsom out of office, and placing Gonzalez in office. This is exactly what happened in Florida in 1997.

When are we going to picket the Elections Department? When is this website going to feature the election fraud map and the news presented at the press conference of the People of Color concerning Gavin Newsom's illegal "election" as mayor?

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by J.P.L.
It's true that the twin parties of capitalism, the Democrats &
Republicans, will do everything and anything to cover-up what looks like major/wide-spread Voter Fraud in this '03 Mayoral
Runoff. There's a long history of this undemocratic and illegal
activity going on and we need to stop it now before more progressive and working class people get turned-off by politics in general. Apathy is worst enemy!

What's needed now is for Matt's Campaign to regroup, refocus, and re-energize all of his city-wide support and demand an Independent Investigation NOW and keep the
momentum going and the heat on Newsom AND the Board
of Supervisors (6 Supes are up for re-election in '04). San
Francisco's Progressives need to unite and form a United
Front to throw Mobster Newsom and his Gang out of City
Hall soon before it's too late! It's time to start thinking and talking "RECALL NEWSOM NOW"!

by Concerned Voter (We want clean elections in San Francisco)
I want my vote to count for something, one person, one vote untainted by corruption so that my vote does count. We The People demand that the Federal Authorities join the City and State Investigators to look at Voter Fraud and Voter Intimidation in San Francisco. We demand that Voter Registration Records be brought up to current information standards get rid of the dead voters, and the voters who moved more than 90 days ago. The Election Department is under the City Administrator demand that he does his job and straightens out his department or we will find a new City Administrator to oversee the Elections Department. I concur we should have a large demonstration at the Department of Elections and at the City Administrators Office to demand accuracy and enforcement of our voting process. I agree Indybay should have this as a feature story it affects us all in San Francisco, We the Voter We the Taxpayer. I have read the posted Election Laws it points out several current violations in the process, We demand that the Voter Election Law process be upheld or those responsible for the processing be terminated from their employment with the City and County of San Francisco. It is time to clean house and prosecute those that take advantage of us all. We tell new Citizens that their most valuable right is the Right to Vote, lets make that a true statement in San Francisco
by ±
If you have a picture of the map -- please post it here.
by Yup
In an article entitled "San Francisco is not Florida," the 1/28/04 San Francisco Bayview has a description of the People of Color Press Conference describing the election fraud of that good Democrat, Gavin Newsom. See:

From that website:
“Something stinks in City Hall,” said Riva Enteen, a civil rights attorney and member of the Matt Gonzalez for Mayor campaign’s voter fraud unit. “There were over 400 reports of voter fraud reported to Gonzalez volunteers who were monitoring polling places, such as power outages, harassment by Newsom volunteers and Newsom campaign staff walking door to door with provisional ballots.”

The article has lots more; please be sure to read it, and then demand that the Gonzalez campaign file a lawsuit to overturn the results of the mayor's race since Newsom sits illegally in the mayor's office.
by per Richard Marquez
It will be scanned shortly
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