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Petition to Encourage Discussion and Debate at NYU

by NYU Invest in Peace (nyuinvestinpeace [at]
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Petition to Encourage Discussion and Debate at NYU

We, the undersigned, support peace in the Middle East and oppose the misguided petition calling for New York University to divest from companies conducting business in the State of Israel.

We have diverse opinions on how peace in the Middle East can be achieved and widely differing views of the Israeli government's policies. We are unanimous, however, in our condemnation of the divestment campaign as a partisan attack attempting to suppress, rather than encourage discussion of the issues.

The divestment petition makes no mention of the widespread desire within Israel for a long-term and honorable solution. It also fails to include or previous attempts to achieve a peaceful resolution with the country's Arab neighbors and the Palestinian Authority. Instead, it pours scorn on Israel
and calls for abandonment and disengagement. To place blame solely on Israel for the state of affairs in the Middle East is unjust and demonstrates an unwillingness to engage in dialogue.

We denounce campaigns filled with rhetoric long discredited by its use among extremists as code for the destruction of Israel. Rather, we encourage individuals to work towards peaceful solutions through honest discussion.

We therefore denounce the divestment petition and appeal to those who signed it to reconsider. Please join us in our campaign to encourage discussion and debate at NYU.

For more information, please contact nyuinvestinpeace [at]
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