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Indybay Feature

Pictures From the "Money For Warfare Means Squat For Housing" Protest

by Z
Several housing activists occupied a building this morning near Market and Van Ness in San Francisco over the city's housing policies and the US's spending priorities. Hundreds rallied outside in support. After several hours, the police moved in and took control of the building removing the banners. The squatters were neither arrested nor cited, but several protesters who sat down in the street were arrested.
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by biohazard
remove this picture please for the sake of some one in it.
by Z
I try not to take pictures that could be used to get people in trouble. There were network news cameras and photographers all over the place when I was taking these so I dont think any of them show anything that isnt already available online elsewhere.
by eltrino
do they mean the last one?

picture #6 seems to have someone who looks like a police officer wheeling by on a cruiser bicycle with a weird look on their face.
by Z
Picture 8 also shows a cop with a flag on his batton which is probably illegal, but if thats whats being complained about I wont hide it. I'm all for the right of people to desecrate the flag but I wont protect a police officer who wants to beat protesters with a flag.

From the wording of the above request, it might make sense to assume its the last picture, but everyine without a mask on in that picture is also on Ch 7 news not wearing a mask (since you can see them interviewing someone in the picture)
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