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Matt Gonzalez is subbing for Larry Bensky on Living Room

by Local Greens
Matt is on KPFA 94.1 speaking with youth activists
Matt rocks
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by listener
Larry Bensky is missed! We hope he gets well soon!

Larry has been out for medical reasons:

This morning show is two hours (as usual).

In the first hour San Francisco's Matt Gonzalez talks to Robert Jensen, author of the City Lights book called Citizens of the Empire: the Struggle to Claim Our Humanity.

The topic scheduled was discussion of Robert Bolton's nomination to become US ambassador to the UN-- but includes discussion of Vision in American politics today.

Robert Jenson picks up the ball from deep thinkers George Lakeoff, Rebecca Solnit, and Thomas Franks-- and clarifies how Progressives and the anti-war movement can reorganize, unify, and keep their interests tenable.

The second hour is Students on world affairs: A talk with James Cass who introduces some young poets who read their deeply-felt poems.

the topic is the upcoming event for young poets from around the country:Brave New Voices the 8th Annual Youth Poetry Slam Festival to be held in San Francisco April 20-24.

More information:

The entire Sunday Salon program is archived for later listening with links to older programs at

by listener
John Bolton, not Robert Bolton is the nominee to become Ambassador to the UN.

Robert Jensen is the guest not Jenson with an o, as his name is often misspelled.

No one can ever slur Texas since Matt is proof that it is not all Bush country.

Larry Bensky's program is not Living Room. It is Sunday Salon.

And most importantly: No one is perfect!

by Socialist
The old Democrat Larry Bensky should have retired by now. KPFA is supposed to be dedicated to promoting secular, radical politics. That means treating both the Democrats and the Republicans like the twin evil parties of capitalism that they are.

Never once during the 2004 election did KPFA interview socialists like Marcia Feinland, who lives in Berkeley, has been elected to the Berkeley Rent Board, and won 250,000 votes in her run against Barbara Boxer for the US Senate on the Peace & Freedom Party ticket. It is the socialist candidates and enlightened Greens, such as Matt Gonzalez who should always be featured on KPFA, and the endless promotion of the Democrats by the 6 p.m. news, the morning news bites, Larry Bensky, Democracy Now, the Morning Show, Living Room and Saturday Morning talkies should end immmediately.

I am hopeful that Sunday Salon will join Flashpoints and Guns & Butter in refusing to promote the Democrats. I will listen next Sunday to see if we are so fortunate to have Larry Bensky "indisposed" again. May he enjoy a permanent retirement. Should he insist on working, he should remain in the bookkeeping department, permanently off the air and out of our hair. Not only are his politics reactionary, his hoarse voice is unbearable, which is why I quit listening to Sunday Salon long time ago.

Three cheers for Matt Gonzalez! May he be permanently on the air and may Bill Mandel soon have a program once again on KPFA, after having been banned in 1995 for "saying no to power."
by aaron
bill mandel was a stalinist apologist for decades. once his favorite state-capitalist hell-hole fell he had the temerity to lecture other radicals that socialism is anarchronistic.

let's keep him retired.
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