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Indybay Feature

Protest "Walk for Life"

by Producer of Tranny Talk
Stand for Reproductive Justice.
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I made the following video after last years confrontation between pro-choice and anti-abortion communities. That confrontation made me proud to be a San Franciscan because for once I was able to vent my frustration over the lack of seperation between church and state.
I apologize deeply if your image appears on this video. It is not my intention to blow someones cover or blast their pictures all over the web. It is my intention to show pro-choice Californians we are a rare breed who are willing to fight hard to protect womens rights.

To Indy Bay. Unless you want to keep it, Please remove this post after January 21, 2006.
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by Betty Boopski
Women's rights! D you mean by that women's right to murder their unborn children or their right to rob liquor stores?
by just wondering
Why is Indybay publishing anti-choice propaganda?
by TW
It's wrong to kill babies. We should help them achieve their full human potential instead
by It's abortion
Think about it before responding. And think about why, in order to understand it, you need to understand that isn't murder.
by a US citizen
I love it when you anti-choicers show your true colors. Most anti-abortion supporters are religious, and most religious people abuse children, allow rampant drug addiction, and abuse minorities such as trans folk or gay and lesbian individuals.
It is clear what the next War on the homeland will be about.
It will be the anti-religious against the religious.
Bring it on.
by heck boopski
you know it's you that want to rob a liquor store (cough syrup ran out?). Or are you just being a little bit of a tinge racist? i got 3.69- come and get it and quit baiting people in poverty....
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