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"Bloody Monday" World Can't Wait Rally against Alito

by e.
"Bloody Monday" World Can't Wait Rally against Alito
Alito Hearings Start Monday - "Bloody Monday" Actions Across the Country
Confirmation hearings for Alito to the Supreme Court begin Monday, Jan. 9. Alito is a hand-picked Bush nomination, with approval from theocratic Christian fundamentalists. The views and intention of "Scalito" are clear: overturning Roe vs. Wade, rolling back the clock on civil rights, gay rights, and women's rights, support for unchecked executive authority to carry out endless war and implement a police state. In what promises to be a tumultous month, with the NSA spying just revealed, the Patriot Act up for renewel, the Padilla case going to the Supreme Court, and Bush having unforseen challenges carrying out his unjust war on Iraq, any of the Bush regime's moves need to be opposed and stopped. And, all these needs to build momentum for the protests demanding BUSH STEP DOWN all across the country during his state of the union address (Jan. 31), and in Washington DC on Feb. 4.

§The Federal building in S.F.
by e.
§The Federal building in S.F.
by e.
§The Federal building in Oakland
by e.
§The Federal building in Oakland
by e.
§The Federal building in Oakland
by e.
§The Federal building in Oakland
by e.
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by GensPrimoris
Impressive. Red is a stunning color. Difficult and stunning.

Thank you.

Have and always will have mixed feelings about abortion, which is OK. Ultimately, a more immediate, hopefully positive, impact is realized right after an abortion as opposed to an unknown and therefore harder-to-lament fiuture. Difficult but true I think. And the lament continues.

The Alito nomination is NOT a foregone conclusion. I wish that each of you, in your respective communities, have the wherewithal/cajones/cleverness to be creative and do what you can to express feelings about this nomination, whether positive or negative.

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