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Resolution calling for a full investigation, impeachment or resignation of Bush and Cheney

by Beyond Chron (reposted)
From Ken Werner, Trinity Plaza Tenants Association
Bloggers, pollsters, newspaper columnists, and members of the U.S. House and Senate have been more frequently discussing the possible impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Cheney, and today District 6 Sup. Chris Daly steps forward to introduce File No. 060156, "Resolution calling for a full investigation, impeachment or resignation of President George W. Bush and Vice President Richard B. Cheney."

So why the big deal?

If the resolution is passed, the City and County of San Francisco will probably take the lead calling for investigation and impeachment. With national media already focusing on The City for the centennial celebration of the Great Quake of 1906, it will be next to impossible to disassociate the stories in readers' minds.

The proposed resolution will direct the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to send copies of the resolution, if and when it passes, to statewide elected officials including Representative Nancy Pelosi and Senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein, to the California Democratic Party, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and all members of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee. Additionally, Sup. Daly's proposed resolution "requests that Congress demand a full investigation" of the alleged charges which include "waging an unnecessary war in Iraq," that the administration "has authorized torture," that Bush "had disregarded his Presidential duty" regarding the response to Hurricane Katrina, and that Bush "recently admitted to and defended his administration's practice of ordering the secret surveillance of American citizens."

Next question: will the resolution pass? In the most progressive city on the planet, try to imagine if any of the other supervisors will offer a dissenting opinion. We would suffer shock, to say the least; however, without trying to appear pessimistic, I will await discussion of Agenda Item 44 and will attempt to be in the chamber during the vote on the proposed resolution.

But let's skip through the preliminary. Six months ago if you had asked me whether or not Bush and Cheney would ever face impeachment, I would have responded "probably not." But during the past six months we have seen the indictment of Cheney's chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, and the breaking news that the National Security Agency (NSA) conducted wiretaps, without obtaining warrants, on American citizens, among other stories.

And this is a mid-term election year, and the Republican party could be facing losses in both the House and Senate if party members continue to rally behind their scandalized president.

So why the big deal?

You're about to gasp, but I'm still hoping the Republican party will stonewall possible impeachment.

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I’ve got a real smoker for you if you’re interested?

I was in a family for more than 26 years who joined Organized Crime. This wasn’t any ordinary Organized Crime System as it’s directly linked with Political Corruption among other criminal activities. Here I was deep in the belly of a huge Corruption Laundromat and we considered ourselves “connected”. By connected I mean we knew about most everything that was happening at the top end of our Political System down to the Local end before anything was in the news. There’s other Laundromats that are waiting for someone to research and show the world who’s behind them.

A little while ago, the Tribune wrote an article questioning a major company about who was behind the ownership? Not more than an hour after it’s Internet release, it was blocked in the news listings. I was tracking it since I personally knew it’s a huge Laundromat. Luckily, the Tribune moved it over to a webpage and the last time I checked it was still there.

But if anyone wants PROOF – here sits a whooper of a Laundromat!

Please note, after more than 26 years I know a great deal about this Criminal System that also involves many areas of our Federal Government, including the Military. My story also crosses with Gus Boulis more than a few times among others in the news.
by Ken Werner, Trinity Plaza Tenants Association (TPTA)‚ Feb. 08‚ 2006

The Board of Supervisors clock ticked toward 8 p.m., and Sup. Sean Elsbernd asked Item 44 to be severed. And I thought, we're going to have a debate. But as the remainder of yesterday's agenda received approval without objection, Elsbernd decided he wanted Sup. Chris Daly's proposed "Resolution calling for a full investigation, impeachment or resignation of President George W. Bush and Vice President Richard B. Cheney" to be sent to committee.

Is that a dissenting vote? Is Sup. Elsbernd exhibiting support for Bush and Cheney? Or maybe it's a personal act of harassment to hold up Sup. Daly's proposed resolution.

And to which committee will the proposed resolution be sent?

I'm stupified. But we'll all have to wait at least 30 days before it gets to a committee hearing, and I'm assuming it will not be the Gun & Gang Violence Select Committee, or City Operations & Neighborhood Services, or Budget & Finance, or LAFCo, because Elsbernd doesn't sit on any of those. I'm assuming he'll want it sent to Rules, where he sits as Vice-Chair.

I'll follow this resolution through a committee hearing and to its reappearance at the full board next month.
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