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As Cheney Victim Suffers Heart Attack, Questions Raised About Secrecy and Cronyism

by Democracy Now (reposted)
Harry Whittington, the Austin lawyer and Republican fundraiser V.P. Dick Cheney shot during a hunting trip, has suffered a heart attack. The incident has embarrassed the White House and made headlines around the world, among them: "We are all Harry Whittington.” The Bush administration has come under criticism for its long delay in informing the public on both the incident and Whittington’s condition. The incident has also raised new questions about cronyism and lobbying at the White House. We speak with Texas-based journalist Robert Bryce, author of "Cronies: Oil, the Bushes, and the Rise of Texas, America"s Superstate."
Harry Whittington has suffered a heart attack. Doctors say it was likely related to the birdshot Whittington has lodged in his heart. Doctors expect Whittington to remain in the hospital for at least one more week. The incident has embarrassed the White House and made headlines around the world, among them: "We are all Harry Whittington."

Meanwhile, the fallout continues over the shooting. Cheney is again being accused of withholding information on Whittington’s condition. Over the weekend, the White House waited at least 19 hours before announcing the shooting. Today, the New York Times is reporting Cheney was informed of Whittington’s heart condition when he arrived at the White House Tuesday morning. But according to senior administration officials, Cheney did not pass the information on to President Bush’s aides, including White House Press secretary Scott McLellan.

At a press conference later in the day, McLellan did not mention Whittington’s heart problems and even joked he was wearing an orange tie so he could be clearly visible in front of Cheney.

Criticism has come from all quarters. Former press secretary Ari Fleischer said, "It could have and should have been handled differently." And Marlin Fitzwater, former press secretary to Bush’s father and Reagan said Cheney had "ignored his responsibility to the American people" by failing to disclose the accident. Cheney was on a hunting expedition at the Armstrong Ranch in South Texas. The Armstrongs have long had close ties to Republicans in Texas and nationally. Cheney’s hunting party included Harry Whittington, Katharine Armstrong, a lobbyist for many companies including Lockheed Martin, and Pamela Pitzer Willeford, the former ambassador to Switzerland and Lichenstein.

* Robert Bryce, author of "Cronies: Oil, the Bushes, and the Rise of Texas, America’s Superstate." Texas-based journalist.

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