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Dropping leaflets during war: The Nazis during WWII and today in Lebanon by the Israelis

by leaflets
From mass targeting of mobile phones with voice and text messages to old-fashioned radio broadcasts warning of imminent attacks, Israel is deploying a range of old and new technologies in Lebanon as part of the psychological operations ("psyops") campaign supplementing its military attacks.
According to US and UK media outlets, Israel has reactivated a radio station to broadcast messages urging residents of southern Lebanon to evacuate the region.

Some reports have named the station as the Voice of the South.

The South Lebanon Army, a Christian militia backed by Israel, operated a radio station called Voice of the South from Kfar Killa in southern Lebanon in the 1980s and 1990s.

The station closed down in May 2000 when Israeli forces withdrew from southern Lebanon.

Cash for tip-offs

The Israeli newspaper Maariv on Sunday reported the appearance of a website called All 4 Lebanon which offered payment for tip-offs from Lebanese citizens "that could help Israel in the fight against Hezbollah".

§Nazi leaflets dropped over Dutch civilians
by leaflets
This is another leaflet aimed at civilians. The one at the bottom is a variant of the top one. It has an error in the last line ('Nedderland' should read 'Nederland').
In short, the text on this two-sided leaflet (both sides same text) reads:

To the civilians of Holland!
Do not take part in sabotage against the German army!
You can't stop the German Army!
Large parts of Holland are already occupied!
All resistance is of no use!
Do not take part in sabotage actions like destroying dikes, blowing up bridges, or making road blockades. These actions are of no use because the German Army has lots of technical means to avoid them.
Do not take part in a war that is not yours!
Do not destroy your own country, but stay calm!
Civilians, captured during sabotage actions will get DEATH PUNISHMENT!
Civilians of Holland, we warn you!"
§Israel Leaflets Telling People To Flee Or Die
by leaflets
Lebanese people read a leaflet, dropped by Israeli forces airplanes, in the southern coastal city of Sidon, Lebanon, Friday, July 21, 2006, warning civilians who live in southern Lebanon to leave towns and villages and head north of the Litani river, 30 kilometers (19 miles) from the border with Israel. Israeli warplanes resumed strikes on targets across Lebanon Friday as Israel warned hundreds of thousands of people to flee the south 'immediately,' preparing for a likely ground invasion to set up a deep buffer zone in southern Lebanon. (AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis)
§Nazi Leaflet
by leaflets
This leaflet is aimed at Dutch troops in the defense of their country.
The text reads:


* Who are YOU fighting for!
* For who do YOU let yourself being 'butchered'?
* For who do YOU get your people, your family, your wife and children into misery?

* NOT in YOUR Interest
* NOT for YOUR Country
* NOT for YOUR Freedom

§Lebanese Burning Israeli Flyers
by leaflets
Lebanese civilians burn and step on leaflets that were dropped in Beirut by Israeli warplanes July 16, 2006. (Sharif Karim/Reuters)
§Israelis Use Leaflets To Justify Qana Massacre
by leaflets
Abu Shadi Jradi pulled bodies out of wreckage for hours - two toddler girls wearing tiny gold earrings, a small boy whose pale blue pacifier still hung from his neck. Somewhere in the middle, he slumped beneath a tree and wept.

"There are so many children, so many children," the veteran civil defence worker said Sunday, barely able to get out the words.

The dead still had signs of their last moments, when dozens of members of the Shalhoub and Hashem families had gathered together for shelter and company during another night of Israeli bombardment. Kids wore the shorts and t-shirts they slept in. One body was wrapped in a child's bed sheet covered with Raggedy Ann and Andy figures.


Israel's prime minister stated that the villagers were ordered to leave. These people, who are so poor, who have nowhere to flee to, who have no means of fleeing and are simple in their beliefs that God will protect them, crossed their fingers and waited in the basement of a residential building, praying they would be spared.

These people, who were too terrified to leave because of the shelling around them interspersed with Israel's threatening leaflets to leave, had to pay the price of a very legitimate fear.

But it seems that Qana is cursed. Forever cursed to shake the world into action - just like 10 years ago. It is cursed into being the sorriest victim - the one where the world screams (or maybe whispers) "enough!"

The women and children of Qana are forever cursed to be the collateral damage that even the strongest stomach can't handle.

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