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Indybay Feature

Poet Harold Norse reads in celebration of 91st Birthday

Sunday, July 15, 2007
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Event Type:
Tate Swindell
Location Details:
The Beat Museum, 540 Broadway, San Francisco, CA 94133

Jerry Cimino (415) 399-9626
Tate Swindell

Poet Harold Norse's to read in celebration of 91st Birthday
Historic artwork and photographs of Beat Generation writers exhibited at Beat Museum

SAN FRANICSCO – Legendary Beat Poet Harold Norse will be reading from his collected works this North Beach at The Beat Museum. The acclaimed author will be reading from over seventy years of published poetry in honor of his recent 91st Birthday. The event is free and open to the public. The Beat Museum is currently exhibiting exclusive photos of Norse with his close friends William Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg. Also on display are several of his Cosmograph paintings, created during his stay at the Beat Hotel.

WHAT: Poetry Reading and Art Exhibit

WHEN: Sunday, July 15, 2007 at 2:00 PM

WHERE: The Beat Museum, 540 Broadway

In 2003 Thunder's Mouth Press published In The Hub of The Fiery Force, Norse's collected poems. At over 600 pages, this historic collection gathers seven decades of groundbreaking poetry. Norse's autobiography Memoirs of a Bastard Angel is also in print. In it he details his exploits as poet born gay, Jewish and illegitimate in Brooklyn, New York at the turn of the century. His friends read like a whose-who of Twentieth Century American artists: Tennessee Williams, James Baldwin, Anais Nin, Jack Kerouac and W.H. Auden.

During the early 1960's Norse resided in Paris at the infamous Beat Hotel. There he collaborated with Brion Gysin and William Burroughs in developing the cut-up method, adapting abstract and random techniques from painting to writing. During this time he also befriended poets Gregory Corso and Allen Ginsberg who also stayed at the hotel. Burroughs hailed Beat Hotel, Norse's cut-up novella, as the most successful result of the cut-up method.

After traveling for fifteen years in Europe and North Africa, Norse returned to America in the late 1960's to see the dawning of the hippie movement. Friend and admirer Charles Bukowski met him upon his return. Norse is currently searching for a publisher for a collection of correspondence between the two writers. In the early 1970's Norse moved to San Francisco to participate in the city's blossoming gay liberation movement.

His book Carnivorous Saint featured over three decades of gay themed poetry and was groundbreaking upon its publication in 1977. Twice recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, Norse received a lifetime achievement award from the National Poetry Association in 1991.
Added to the calendar on Mon, Jul 9, 2007 2:08PM

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by Harold Norse
Congratulations Harold Norse on your birthday. Just read Memoirs of a Bastard Angel... Fascinating. Wondered what you were doing now and so sorry couldn't be in SF for the reading.
You met my Gt. Uncle Bill Hayter in US. Did you ever keep up with him in Paris? I used to stay with him in the 80's.

Admiration and regards,
Myrna Hayter

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