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Indybay Feature

San Francisco Premiere Screening of the New Documentary Made in L.A.

Thursday, September 06, 2007
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Event Type:
Andrea Buffa
Location Details:
Roxie Theatre, 3117 16th Street (near Valencia Street), San Francisco

San Francisco Premiere Screening of the New Documentary Made in L.A.

"A rousing true story of solidarity, perseverance and triumph." – Variety

Thursday, September 6, 7 PM
Roxie Theatre, 3117 16th Street (near Valencia Street), San Francisco

Made in L.A. follows the remarkable story of three Latina immigrants working in garment sweatshops as they embark on a three-year odyssey to win basic labor protections from trendy clothing retailer Forever 21. Compelling, humorous, and deeply human, Made in L.A. is a story about immigration, the power of unity and the courage it takes to raise your voice. In English and Spanish with bilingual subtitles. Post-film discussion with filmmakers Almudena Carracedo and Robert Bahar; Guadalupe Hernandez, one of the workers featured in the film; and Katie Quan, Associate Chair of the UC Berkeley Labor Center. Made in L.A. will air nationwide on PBS’ critically acclaimed nonfiction film series P.O.V. on September 4th at 10 pm. See for details.

Presented by the UC Berkeley Labor Center and Active Voice. Co-sponsored by KQED with Amnesty International Western Regional Office, Asian Immigrant Women Advocates, Bay Area Immigrant Rights Coalition, Global Exchange, ITVS, Mujeres Unidas y Activas, and Sweatshop Watch.

For more information, see or
Added to the calendar on Wed, Aug 15, 2007 3:00PM
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