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Indybay Feature

Street Theater at Latin American Consulates for the Costa Rican CAFTA referendum

Wednesday, October 03, 2007
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Event Type:
Brendan Behan
Location Details:
The intersection of Powell and Market Street in downtown San Francisco in front of the building that houses several Central American consulates.

On Wednesday 10/3 at 5:00 p.m. Globalize This! will be putting on a street theater action in support of Costa Rican civil society organizations opposing CAFTA in the swiftly approaching Oct. 7 referendum. The action will take place at the intersection of Powell and Market Street in downtown San Francisco in front of the building that houses several Central American consulates.

We are calling upon the U.S. Congress and the government of Costa Rica to respect the will of the Costa Rican people in this vote. The people deserve a voice at the table, especially with respect to free trade agreements like CAFTA that will lock into place thousands of profit-driven legal changes threatening workers, sensitive environmental habitats, and social services.

Please invite your friends and family, come with your faces painted--we will be mimicking the style used by Costa Rican activists in a recent anti-CAFTA protest in San José shown in the images above. A strong turn-out will help us to send a clear message.

Bring stalks of corn and sunflowers to help make visual the threat to our most basic systems!
Added to the calendar on Mon, Oct 1, 2007 8:59AM
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