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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

DASW March 15th and March 19 Arrestee information

by DASW Legal Working Group
Arrestee meetings and information...
Thanks to everyone who took the streets to demonstrate against the war!
Your actions were beautiful and inspiring. If you were arrested,
congratulations on being released! Here's some things to keep in mind
regarding your cases:

* Hold on to all your jail paperwork - especially your citation!
* Think before you talk (blog, email, etc.) about any potentially illegal activities that happened around your arrest- you could get you or
other folks in trouble!
* Keep an eye on our website for updates -
* Try to make one of the arrestees meetings - see below for more info...
(please note the SF meeting time was wrong on the handouts at the jail)
* We'll be setting up an announcement email list for updates - if you haven't given us your contact info, see below on how you can do that.
* We're going to be organizing attorneys through the National Lawyers Guild to represent you at your arraignments.

If you weren't able to get us contact information, it is very important that you please download an outtake form from our website:
and email them to:
dasw-legal (at) That way, we'll be able to keep you in the loop with updates, and organize an attorney to represent you at
your arraignment.

Arrestees Meetings
There will be two meetings for all arrestees from March 15th and March 19th.
This will be a chance for you to talk to lawyers and organize your legal defense.
* Monday, March 24th
7:00pm - 9:00pm
AK Press - 674 23rd St #A, Oakland, CA
* Sunday, March 30th
2:00pm - 4:00pm
St. Martin de Porres - 225 Potrero Ave. SF, CA

Once again, thanks for an amazing action!
The DASW Legal Team
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We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$140.00 donated
in the past month

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