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Indybay Feature

SFSU Students Rally and Sleep In Against Budget Cuts

by Luz Clemente
Several hundred students rallied against the budget cuts in Malcolm X plaza. Afterwards, many students went to class and reconvened later in the evening to have a sit-in/sleep-in in between the library and the administration building. While the sleep-in was strong cops attempted to break up the event around 4:30 in the morning.
It began at noon on Wednesday November 12th. Students were supposed to meet at Science 270 to attend a regularly scheduled meeting with the heads of campus departments to discuss the impact of the budget cuts. According to the SF Chronicle an article written Saturday, November 8, 2008 explains that "$31.3 million [dollars in] funding cuts to CSU announced this summer, $66.3 million additional midyear funding cuts to CSU announced last week, [and] 343,000 number of full-time students to which the chancellor and campus presidents have agreed to limit campus enrollments" (Jim Doyle).

These budget cuts are not new to the California State University. With a 10% increase each semester in tuition students have expressed their concern at these budget cuts. Students are not willing to pay more for less and due to the registration being postponed this year the students took action.

The influx of students flooded out of the classroom and into the main quad. Once students arrived at the Malcolm X plaza there was an impromptu open-mic where the dean of the anthropology department introduced himself and started speaking about the budget cuts. Most of the students were dressed in black and several banner drops made the message clear that these cuts will not be tolerated. United Against Budget Cuts, a group formed for this rally and future actions introduced themselves to the campus, and began sharing personal testimonies of the plight of the students, faculty, and campus workers. According to the CFA website the average amount of time it takes students to graduate is six years. Those most affected by these budget cuts will be low-income students and students of color due to the lack of opportunities made available to these communities.

After several students spoke expressing their opinions a scheduled meeting with the provost (vice-president) of the campus was post-poned and students marched into the administration building. The respectful students were blocked by campus police chief Kirk Gaston and were unable to enter the office of the provost and president Robert Corrigan. The students demanded to speak to the administration and sat down peacefully and in a respectful manner. Finally, the efforts of the students forced the provost to come down. There was a question and answer segment and the provost claimed he was on the side of the students. Students thanked him for taking the time to speak to them.

Around the evening students began to unwrap sleeping bags, tarps, and comforters. The students intended to stay on campus all night to prove this is a serious matter that will not be tolerated. SFSU, a commuter school, lacks a feeling of community and through the sleep-in students were able to establish bonds that are important in tackling these budget cuts. Immediately after starting the camp students were visited by campus officials, University campus police Chief Kirk Gaston, OSPLD coordinator Joey Greenwell, and assistant to the Vice President Shelberg. These campus administrators told students they could not sleep on the quad due to the "sprinkler system." The students insisted on being there and liaisons negotiated a space near a statue between the administration and library building to sleep on the concrete. The police made it clear that any camping or sleeping would be grounds for disrupting the event. The students explained that they would be engaging in a "study-in."

Approximately 45 to 55 bodies made it to the study-in and kept each other warm by eating together, discussing the future of the movement, and socializing. Many students read and sang songs. More food came throughout the night as students that supported the noble cause brought in and supplied the students with blankets, cardboard for mattresses, and other supplies. Every hour or so the cops would come to check up on the students. Around 4:30AM the cops harassed students that were sleeping and ordered a dispersal order. Without consulting many of the sleeping students, other students agreed with the cops and there was a stand-off. Without a clear united stance the study-in/sleep-in was divided by the tactics and intimidation of the pigs. A few students continued to hold ground and occupy spaces on campus.

Though the numbers had largely been reduced the effort to liberate spaces on campus and create radical organizing social centers continued until early morning classes. Many students said their good byes at 8:00AM on the Malcolm X plaza stage. There will be another rally this Wednesday November 19th in the Malcolm X plaza. A tent will be set up so that the ideals of the sleep-in can continue and students will be able to educate each other about these pressing issues and support ourselves with basic supplies and materials for a revolutionary movement to emerge and shut the system down. Down with the admin, board of trustees, and government. Students, Faculty, and Workers unite!

§Save our classes
by Luz Clemente
§San Francisco Students Unite
by Luz Clemente
§Coming Together
by Luz Clemente
§No classes, No graduation!
by Luz Clemente
§SFSU rise up!
by Luz Clemente
§Education not Occupation
by Luz Clemente
§United Against Budget Cuts
by Luz Clemente
§Banner Drop: Wage War on Those Who Profit
by Luz Clemente
§Think Again
by Luz Clemente
by Luz Clemente
§Table with Literature and Food
by Luz Clemente
§Sit-in gathering starts near statue
by Luz Clemente
§Meeting and Having Fun
by Luz Clemente
§Convergence grows
by Luz Clemente
by Luz Clemente
§half sleeping students
by Luz Clemente
§Packing Up after cops evict us
by Luz Clemente
§Relocating to Malcolm X plaza
by Luz Clemente
§Reclaim SFSU makes it to the morning
by Luz Clemente
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by United Against Budget Cuts

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