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Protest against AIPAC, the pro-Israel lobby!

by confront zionism
On Tuesday, December 9th, Anti-apartheid and human-right activists gathered to protest an AIPAC benefit at the Hilton Hotel in San-Francisco.
Copied from the post by GH:

Say No to the Lobby for War and Occupation.
No War with Iran.
No Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East.
End Anti-Muslim/Anti-Arab bigotry.

AIPAC expects over one thousand people to attend this dinner, including invited politicians from all levels of government. We need to be there to protest and tell our political leaders that AIPAC does not speak for us, and we reject its agenda for war and occupation.

AIPAC supports endless conflict in the Middle East by lobbying for billions of dollars in US Military Aid to Israel and continued Occupation of Palestinian Land. AIPAC works to insure that Israel is provided with military aid from US taxpayers, at the cost of at least $3 billion each and every year. This aid is used to destroy Palestinian homes and farms. It is used to perpetuate a 40 year occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. We stand on the side of Palestinians and Israelis who are working for real peace based on justice and human rights for everyone.

AIPAC supports US military confrontation with Iran, and at the same time supports Israel's massive nuclear weapons arsenal. AIPAC was a key backer of a resolution before Congress that effectively called for a military blockade of Iran. It was defeated through massive public opposition, but they will try again. AIPAC only promotes "diplomacy" that does not discuss Israel's dangerous nuclear weapons. We want global nuclear disarmament. We want real diplomacy, not another war.

AIPAC regularly provides a platform for Right-wing extremists to foment their anti-Muslim/Arab racism and their call to unbridled militarism. AIPAC has formed a relationship with Rev. Hagee's hateful fundamentalist group that opposes any compromise with Palestinians. AIPAC regularly features speakers like Daniel Pipes, who is a leader in efforts to demonize Arab and Muslim-Americans.

Endorsers of Protest:
Middle East Children's Alliance; Tri-City Peace and Justice; Global Exchange; The Rebuilding Alliance; International Solidarity Movement, Northern California; Jewish Voice for Peace; Bay Area Women in Black
§dismantle illegal settlements
by confront zionism
§freedom and justice for palestinians
by confront zionism
§no attack on iran
by confront zionism
§say no to AIPAC
by confront zionism
§no arms to israel
by confront zionism
§don't support israel
by confront zionism
§jews for peace and justice
by confront zionism
§jews say...
by confront zionism
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