Santa Cruz IMC
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Indybay Feature

Elaine Brown in Santa Cruz... A Luta Continua!

Sunday, December 14, 2008
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Event Type:
Location Details:
Barrios Unidos
1817 Soquel Avenue
Santa Cruz, CA 95062

Special Santa Cruz Event!!!

Elaine Brown
Author, Prison Activist, Former Chairman of the Black Panther Party

TOPIC: "A Luta Continua: Human Rights and the Prison System"
"A Luta Continua," was the main motto of FRELIMO, the Mozambican revolutionary party, meaning, in the Portuguese, "The Struggle Continues."

Elaine Brown is a wonderful lecturer, activist and historian. She has written two books, her own memoir, " A Taste of Power" and "The Condemnation of Little B." In "The Condemnation of Little B," she meticulously documents and analyzes the case of Michael "Little B" Lewis who was sentenced to life in prison at the age of 14. Elaine puts Little B's case in the context of the 'tough on crime" movement, city politics and politicians and the inherent racist conditions which existed in Atlanta, and indeed exist in every city in America. She continues to work for the freedom of Michael Lewis in addition to other prisoner campaigns. Her memoir has been optioned for an HBO special.

Sunday December 14, 2008
Barrios Unidos
1817 Soquel Avenue
Santa Cruz, CA 95062

Book signing to follow event. Light refreshments served.

Co-Sponsored by: Santa Cruz ACLU, Santa Cruz United Nations Association,
Committee to Free Chip Fitzgerald, Santa Cruz Peace Coalition, Watsonville
Brown Berets
Added to the calendar on Fri, Dec 12, 2008 12:03PM
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