San Francisco
San Francisco
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Indybay Feature

Mass Protest in San Francisco in Support of the Palestinian People

by Bill Hackwell (hckwll [at]
Tens of thousands of people took to the streets in scores of U.S. cities in response to the National Day of Action to support the people of Palestine. The call was issued 72 hours ago by a number of organizations including the ANSWER Coalition, Muslim American Society Freedom, the National Council of Arab Americans, Free Palestine Alliance, Al-Awda - International Palestine Coalition for the Right of Return and others. Thousands demonstrated in Washington DC, Los Angeles, New York City with the largest protest being in San Francisco

In a massive show of support for the Palestinian people started to show up in front of the Israeli consulate on Montgomery way before the protest was to start at 5pm. After 2 days of protests here against the genocidal attacks by the U.S. backed Israeli government on Gaza, the San Francisco Police denied protestors adequate space to demonstrate. In front of the consulate the area of the sidewalk and one lane of traffic quickly filled to standing room only capacity. On the other side of the street more supporters of Palestine chanted down a smaller number of zionists. The police forced organizers to turn off their sound system and threatened to confiscate bull horns. The crowd continued to swell and by six, despite police threats to arrest anyone in the street, the overwhelming numbers began flowing into Montgomery and marching towards Market. The spirited march, which at its peak was 10,000 strong was led primarily by Palestinian youth with lots of energy and justifyable anger. The march went quickly to Van Ness weaving in an out of traffic before making its way back to UN Plaza for a closing rally.
§Palestinian Youth
by Bill Hackwell
§Flowing into Montgomery
by Bill Hackwell
§Palestinian Families Against Genocide
by Bill Hackwell
§marching on Market
by Bill Hackwell
§Signs in Arabic
by Bill Hackwell
§On Van Ness
by Bill Hackwell
§Rally at UN Plaza
by Bill Hackwell
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by Conor
It was one of the best shows of political opposition to Israeli opposition that i have ever experienced. But it wasn't anywhere near 10, 000 ! I would estimate 2500.
Would Bill tell us how he arrived at the 10, 000 number ? It was good enough as it was without exagerrating .
by Conor
My previous post should have read'' One of the best shows of political opposition to Israeli AGGRESSION (Not opposition ) that i have experienced . "'
by cindy for congress
Rally at Israeli Consulate

Mass rally at Israeli Consulate 30th December 2008. You can contact answer coalition for more info here, answer [at] and here is their website, also info here GazaAction [at]
Also if you want to support the people in Gaza with a donation please go here,
To Donate Medical and Food Aid to Gaza:
1. KinderUSA:
2. Palestinian Red Crescent Society;
3. Middle East Children's Alliance;
6. Medical Aid For Palestinians,

Please share and join us for another rally tomorrow in San Francisco.
The ANSWER Coalition is among the co-sponsors of tomorrow's emergency protest. We urge all people to attend. Volunteers are needed Fri. between 9am and 1pm to make placards and alert phone calls. Call 415-821-6545 if you can volunteer.
Friday, Jan. 2, 2:30pm
at Powell and Market St. (Powell St. BART station)
Protest the U.S.-Israeli Massacres in Gaza!!!!
The Israeli Government has Refused a Ceasefire and Truce from the International Community!
Israel has vowed to continue its Mass Executions of Innocent Civilians!
400+ Killed, 2000+ Injured in less than a week!
We Cannot Stay Silent in the Face of This INJUSTICE!
Demonstrate Against the U.S.-Israeli War Machine
Powell & Market St., San Francisco

Please listen to Thursdays podcast on flashpoints link here
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$140.00 donated
in the past month

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