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Test Their Logik releases music video denouncing Canada on Canada Day

by Test Their Logik
"Today in every city across 'Canada' millions of people will join together in the false unity of nationalism and unknowingly be celebrating the genocide and theft of native land, the exploitation of migrant workers, the jailing and deporting of refugees, and Canada's imperial agenda overseas. We pledge allegiance to humanity as a whole and the earth itself. Not to the queen or the flag or the nation."
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Controversial hip-hop duo, Test Their Logik, released their newest music video; "No One is Illegal" today to commemorate so-called Canada Day. The music video, directed and produced by film-maker Amy Miller of "Wide Open Exposure", takes a strong stand against Canadian nationalism, demanding the abolition of all borders while calling attention to Canada's current system of exploiting migrant labour for its own economic gain. The song's lyrics unravel the root causes of immigration while pointing out the genocidal and colonial underpinnings of the Canadian state.

"We 're releasing this video on Canada Day in an attempt to rain on your racist parades" said Testament. "Today in every city across 'Canada' millions of people will join together in the false unity of nationalism and unknowingly be celebrating the genocide and theft of native land, the exploitation of migrant workers, the jailing and deporting of refugees, and Canada's imperial agenda overseas. We pledge allegiance to humanity as a whole and the earth itself, not to the queen or the flag or the nation."

The music video was largely shot during this year's May Day "Status For All" demonstration, which was organized by No One is Illegal Toronto (NOII). In support of NOII's organizing goals and principles Test Their Logik roamed through the crowd performing, eventually making their way onto a rooftop for a hip-hop set that erupted in to a street party. NOII is a strong nation-wide radical migrant justice organization which also played a central role in organizing resistance to both the Vancouver Olympics and the G8/G20 summit last year.

"I pledge allegiance to humanity not Canada" said Illogik. "The Canadian state brands people as illegal immigrants to this land. In doing so they create an easily exploitable and expendable underclass of people, generally people of colour, who serve the needs of the capitalist system without receiving any of the benefits of citizenship. Status For All! Stop The Deportations!"
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