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Indybay Feature

Catholics Complain of News Blackout at San Francisco Anti-Choice Rally

by Macy Han
In an article subtitled, "Agenda-driven mainstream media all but ignore West Coast Walk for Life", Catholic commentator Gibbons J. Cooney complains of lack of attention to the annual anti-reproductive rights event.

Quotes from an article California Catholic Daily published one week after the annual Walk for Life event.

"ABC TV did a decent job covering the event. KTVU television had an article, but no video, on its website with the lead: 'Several thousand anti-abortion activists marched in San Francisco Saturday…' Their own article later contradicted their own lead by kicking their estimate up to 10,000. That was it for TV. NBC TV: nothing. CBS TV: nothing. ...

The only article the San Francisco Chronicle, the city’s major daily, did on the Walk For Life West Coast was prior to the event -- and that C.W. Nevius’ column advising San Franciscans to ignore it! His editors, at least, appear to have taken his advice. The paper did send photographer Michael Macor to cover the event. He took some nice shots. They reproduced one in their newspaper. No article accompanied the photo.
Contrast this with the Chronicle’s coverage of Occupy Wall Street."

§Catholics Hate Indybay
by What's New?
California Catholic Daily wrote: is a website that pushes a smorgasbord of leftist causes. Their “Womyn” page had an entry for January 21 -- “West Coast Rally for Reproductive Justice.” It was a photo essay about the tiny pro-abortion crowd at Justin Herman Plaza. The author wrote, “Reviewing the news coverage on NBC, CBS and ABC SF Bay Area affiliates, the pro-choice rally was given good coverage. The TV newscasters gave their ‘oh, here they come again, yawn’ coverage of the gathering in Civic Center and by now ho-hum march of thousands of dazed looking outsiders.”
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...will they ever get it?
Sun, Feb 5, 2012 2:53AM
Pam Dougal
Sat, Feb 4, 2012 10:20PM
Mike Novack
Sat, Feb 4, 2012 5:17AM
Sat, Feb 4, 2012 2:50AM
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