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Indybay Feature

Van Jones: Rebuilding the Dream

Thursday, May 03, 2012
7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Event Type:
Location Details:
King Middle School
1781 Rose St
Berkeley, CA 94709

A Yale Law School graduate, and former Special Advisor to the Obama White House, Van Jones is president and founder of Rebuild the Dream, a pioneering initiative to restore good jobs and economic opportunity. The co-founder of three thriving nonprofit organizations (the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, Color of Change, and Green For All), Van is also the author of the New York Times' bestselling The Green Collar Economy - the definitive book on green jobs. The World Economic Forum named Van a Young Global Leader in 2005. In 2008 Time Magazine described him as a global environmental hero, and in 2009 called him 'one of the 100 most influential people in the world.'

The first Obama administration official to write a book on his experiences, Van offers a unique perspective. He unveils the seven biggest mistakes made by the White House and its supporters, and he systematically reveals surprising parallels between Obama's people-powered campaign, the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street. With the vaunted American Dream rapidly becoming a delusion, tens of millions of willing workers unable to find jobs, millions of homeowners already having lost their homes to foreclosure, and millions more underwater, our politicians merely continue giving tax breaks to the rich and slashing vital services. Workers' rights are being gutted and public unions are under siege. Countering this, Rebuild the Dream is a new movement growing across America and getting stronger by the day as millions stand up to defy right-wing attacks on the working class and the vanishing middle class.

Aimee Allison is co-Executive Director of RootsAction.

Hosted by Aimee Alison

t: 800.838.3006
or: Pegasus Books (3 locations), Marcus, Mrs. Dalloway's, Moe's, Walden Pond, DIESEL, A Bookstore SF: Marcus Books, Modern Times Bookstore ($15 door)
Information: KPFA benefit
Added to the calendar on Wed, Apr 11, 2012 8:04AM

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The Amerikkklan dream, you have to be ASSleep to believe it. This is what we are doing during Global Warming and Corporate Fascism is discussing how to rebuild an empire that is based on Killing the Indigenous and stealing the land (colonialism). First, we (Amerikkklans) killed and annihilated(Genocide) 99% of the Indigenous peoples which is unrecognized to this day. Then we (Amerikkklans) kidnapped Africans on the boat ride over here threw many off the boat as a part of a Terror campaign and then enslaved them. The African American did not get the full right to vote until 1965 which brings us to women did not get the right to vote until 1921. So women who make up at least half the population could not participate in this Democracy (Hypocracy) because they were considered possessions. The Founding Fathers statement "All men are created equal" does not include women nor does it define what men (White land owning men). Finally Obombma is Dick Cheney's blood cousin, peep the game and WAKE UP.
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