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Indybay Feature

Stockton: Labor for Palestine

105 N El Dorado St, Stockton
Wednesday, May 01, 2024
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Event Type:
Working Class Unity
Location Details:
105 N El Dorado St, Stockton

San Joaquin Labor Unions and workers, join us on May Day to support an immediate ceasefire in Palestine. The American labor movement has urged President Biden to push for an end to the conflict and the siege of Gaza, which has left thousands suffering from famine. The working class of San Joaquin must add their voices to this call for peace.

The path to justice and peace cannot be paved by bombs and genocide. As union members from diverse backgrounds, including Jews, Muslims, and Middle Eastern communities, we believe the escalation of war and arms sales does not serve workers' interests anywhere. Working people around the world deserve to live free from violence, war, and militarization.

Thousands of Americans have joined the global solidarity demanding an immediate ceasefire. The labor movement must make our voices heard and demand an end to the conflict. Together, we can stand united for peace, justice, and a better future for working people everywhere.

On May Day, we can send a powerful message that the working class of San Joaquin stands in solidarity with the people of Palestine and demands an immediate ceasefire. Let us advocate for a peaceful resolution to this conflict and work towards a world where all people can live in dignity and security.
Added to the calendar on Tue, Apr 30, 2024 9:26PM
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